Government Training Institute

The ECIA training institute empowers our community leaders to improve their knowledge and create opportunities for their community. ECIA utilizes its USDA Rural Community Development Initiative grant to provide trainings aimed at increasing the capacity of city and county officials and economic development groups in the region.

For more information on upcoming trainings please contact Tricia Wagner at: or 563-690-5770 or Holly McPherson at: or 563-690-5738.

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Upcoming Trainings:

Human Resource Training  3.3.25 - Copy

Ten Habits of City Councils Training Flyer 2-25-25

Procurement 101 10.24.2024

Procurement 101 10.09.2024

Preparing for Capital Improvement Projects 9.26.24 - Copy (3)

Preparing for Capital Improvement Projects 9.11.24 - Copy (2)

Ten Habits of City Councils 7-29-24

Immigration Driving Growth in Eastern Iowa Canva 1

Brownfield Workshop Flyer_Linked

ECIA Orientation for City & County Officials & Staff

Finance 101 & Tips for Balancing the FY25 Budget - Copy

Ten Habits of City Councils

Adobe Acrobat Pro - Beyond the Basics

Finance 101 & Tips for Balancing the FY25 Budget JacksonClinton

HR for Daily Management Training Flyer 1-25-23

Finance 101 & Tips for Balancing the FY25 Budget DelawareCedar

Adobe Acrobat Pro - Introduction

Finance 101 & Tips for Balancing the FY25 Budget Dubuque

Effective Communication NICC Training Flyer

Working With People With Disabilities Flyer

Negating Negativity in the Workplace

Childcare Solutions

FMLA Training 1.25.23

Small Town, Big Messaging Part 2 IEDC Webinar Flyer 12-8-22 - Copy

Word Level 3 Training Flyer 12-2-22 - Copy

All is Fine in Marketing Online 10-27-22 Training Flyer - Copy

10-06-22  Down by the Storefront IEDC Webinar Flyer - Copy

Building Assets Through Homeownership Training Flyer

8-18-22 From Worker to Boss Entrepreneurship in the New Age IEDC Webinar Flyer - rs

Partnering Up for Projects and Progress IEDC 7-21-22 Flyer Compressed

Word  Level 1

Innovative Transportation Community Flyer 6-30-22

The Outdoor Recreation Economy IEDC Webinar Flyer 5-19-22  - Copy

Using Multimedia as a Showcasing Tool Webinar 4-21-22 Flyer

Ten Habits of Highly Effective City Councils Training Flyer 4-14-22

City Mayor and Council Orientation 3-30-22 - Copy

TIF for Housing Training Flyer 3-22-22

Pitches & Proposals to Make Your 'Home Opener' Stand Out IEDC Webinar 3-17-22 Flyer

Human Resource Training  3.3.22

IDNR REAP Grants Training Flyer 2.18.22

Strategies for Creative Financing IEDC 2-17-22

Small Town, Big Messaging Part 1 IEDC

Main Street Iowa Program 1-5-22

Own your Narrative Data Visualization and Communicating Results IEDC 12-20-21 Flyer

What Metrics Matter Most IEDC 12-17-21 Flyer

Fentanyl and Other Synthetic Opiates Training 12-10-21

Stronger Together Partnership and Collaboration 12-9-21 PNG Flyer

Getting to the Bottom (line) of Funding 11-18-21

Equity and Inclusion in Workforce Development Flyer 11-15-21

Extreme Makeover EconDev Edition 10-21

Diversity and Inclusivity Training Flyer

Redoing Retail Spaces & Places 9-21-21

It's Time to Update your Strategic Plan 8-19-21

Records Retention and Archiving 7-27-21

On Talent Attraction 7-15-21














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