ECIA Brownfields Program

Program Purpose


ECIA provides technical and financial assistance (when available) in order to assess, cleanup, and reuse potential brownfield sites throughout the east central Iowa region.

Click here to view an interactive map of the potential sites and sites where funds were used.

Community & Economic Importance of Redeveloping Brownfield Sites

As underdeveloped lands -- greenfields -- continue to disappear, there is a need to redevelop and reuse brownfield sites that often already have buildings, infrastructure, and access to transportation resources in place.

Redeveloping a brownfield site can revitalize a neighborhood by:

  • Creating jobs,
  • Increasing the tax base,
  • Mitigating threats to human health and the environment, and
  • Reducing blight.

Eyesores such as old, abandoned gas stations or dilapidated factories can be transformed into productive commercial and industrial parks, vibrant recreation areas, residential space, or other needed amenities.

Ingredients of a Potential Brownfield Site
Goal: The goal is to reduce public health threats and put vacant, blighted and/or underutilized properties back into productive use.

ECIA administers two U.S. EPA Brownfields programs:

  • ECIA Brownfields Assessment Grant Fund
  • ECIA Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund (BRLF)

Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Features

  • Low interest loans for property cleanup costs
  • “Gap” financing for development projects
  • Flexible terms including deferred payment options
  • Loans are available to qualifying municipalities, non-profit and for-profit entities. Grants are available to qualifying municipalities and non-profit entities.

Priority Projects:

  • Located within an Opportunity Zone, flood zone or that are part of the community’s urban revitalization plan
  • Reduces and/or eliminates threats to the environment and human health
  • Reuses existing infrastructure
  • Potential for near-term redevelopment success
  • Promotes smart growth and sustainable development strategies
  • Creates or preserves green space
  • Involves Community and has community support


Contact Dawn Danielson at or 563-690-5772 for more information!

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Brownfields Grant Fact Sheets4 documents

  • FY2016 Assessment Grant EPA Fact Sheet
    document seq 0.00
  • FY2018 RLF Grant EPA Fact Sheet
    document seq 0.00
  • FY2020 Assessment Grant EPA Fact Sheet
    document seq 0.00
  • FY2023 Assessment Grant EPA Fact Sheet
    document seq 0.00
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