ECIA Home Repair Program
ECIA home programs serve residents of Delaware, Dubuque, Cedar, Clinton and Jackson counties. Below are current programs that we provide. Our friendly staff will determine programs best fitted to your needs.
Lead Paint and Healthy Homes Program (LPHH)
Homes or rental properties built before 1978 are eligible for the Lead Paint and Healthy Homes program. Homeowners or tenants are eligible to apply, especially those with children 5 or younger that live or visit the home. If lead is found, the home will be made lead safe. There is additional money available to make improvements to the home to make is safer and healthier for children. Some homes/rental properties receive new windows, siding, and other improvements.
Older Adults Home Modification Program (OAHMP)
Older adult homeowners can stay living in their homes, thus ”aging in place” rather than moving into an assisted living facility. The Older Adult program provides low-cost, high-impact modifications to the home to help reduce the risk of falling , such as installation of hand railings or non-slip strips on stairs or in showers/tubs.
Healthy Homes Program (HH)
The Healthy Homes grant makes our community’s housing stock safer by addressing commonly seen deficiencies. Our focus is on water infiltration/indoor air quality, but we can address any issues we see that fall within HUD’s Eight Principles of a Healthy Home. The eight principles are: Keep it dry, clean, safe, well-ventilated, pest-free, contaminant free, well maintained and thermally controlled.
Fill out our interest form, email or call 563-690-5791 to learn more.