City and Technical Services

ECIA staff assist member cities in updating their code of ordinances and recommends that new ordinances and amendments be added annually. This keeps the Code current and is less difficult than reviewing the City Code and making updates every five years.

Environmental Assessments -- If you have received state and/or federal funding for construction of a community project or private development, an environmental assessment is required. The assessment consists of a public review process designed to disclose information about the potential negative environmental effects of a proposed development and ways to avoid or minimize them before the project is built.

Building Inspections -- ECIA provides inspections for building, electrical, and mechanical codes to assist cities in ensuring quality construction standards are being met.

ECIA Data Center -- ECIA is a U.S. Census Depository. The agency maintains and distributes census information and other documentation issued by both the state and federal governments.

Many cities do not have time nor the capacity, to do special projects outside of the daily scope of running a municipality. ECIA provides technical services to communities in several vital areas.

Technical Assistance

  • city code updates, ordinances
  • community project grant writing, fundraising
  • downtown planning
  • emergency response plans
  • hazard mitigation programs and plans
  • housing needs assessments
  • nuisance abatement
  • personnel policies (and job descriptions)
  • salary surveys
  • special studies
  • strategic planning and goal setting
  • sustainability plans

For information contact Marla Quinn at or by phone at 563-690-5703.

Contact Jennifer Walker at or by phone at 563-690-5709

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